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Response and Project Ideas for BEHIND THE SONG

  • Write a letter of advice to the main character of the entry.

  • Write a free verse poem about an entry from BEHIND THE SONG.

  • If you could change anything from the entry what would you change? Why would you change it? How would you change it?

  • Write a news article that might have appeared in the hometown newspaper of the entry you read. Be sure to include as much information from the entry as you can.

  • Draw and label a portrait of your favorite character from the entry. Make sure the labels reflect facts or parts found in the entry.

  • Make a compare/contrast chart or Venn diagram comparing/contrasting two characters from the entry.

  • Write about your favorite part of the entry. Explain the part in detail and then explain why it’s your favorite part.

  • Using sketches or words, create a collage of images and words to represent the main idea of the entry OR one of the characters.

  • Choose a scene from the entry and rewrite it as a play. Use the entry to get the dialogue right.

  • Authors often use vivid (colorful, brilliant, distinct) words to turn an ordinary description into a more interesting one. For example, a writer might say a character was “choking back tears” instead of just saying they were “sad.” Return to a part in the entry where the author used vivid details to describe a person, place, or event. Make a list of the words/phrases the author uses to make the story more interesting (vivid language).

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